New Moon - December 23rd

 The new moon on December 23rd is an important time for spiritual reflection and growth. During this time, the moon is in its darkest phase, with no visible light in the sky. This can symbolize the end of one cycle and the beginning of another, making it a powerful time for setting intentions and starting new projects.

For those who follow lunar cycles, the new moon is often seen as a time of renewal and rebirth. It is a time to let go of old habits and patterns, and to focus on what you want to bring into your life in the coming month. Many people use this time to meditate, journal, or do other forms of self-reflection in order to gain clarity about their goals and desires.

In some spiritual traditions, the new moon is also seen as a time of increased intuition and psychic abilities. It is thought that the darkness of the moon can help to open up our inner senses, allowing us to tap into our higher wisdom and guidance. Some people use this time to do divination or other forms of spiritual guidance, in order to gain insight into their lives and the world around them.

Overall, the new moon on December 23rd is a powerful time for spiritual growth and reflection. Whether you are setting intentions, doing self-work, or seeking guidance, this is a time to connect with your inner wisdom and open yourself up to the possibilities of the future.